Sunday, September 27, 2009

IMPORTANT NOTICE! Last day for latework

Students/Parents--WEDNESDAY, Sept 30th, is the last day to turn in any late work for our book units.
This means:
-any work from Tuck Everlasting chs 9-26 (6th grade)
-any work from Tom Sawyer that was due Sept 21 or later (8th grade)
-and work from The Outsiders that was due Sept 21 or later (7th grade)

Keep in mind that even though you will only get 50% credit for this work (unless it is the day after it was due, in which case you get 90%), it is still a good idea to turn it in for 2 reasons:
1. It won't be a zero that will count against you for Fun Day
2. It won't be a ZERO averaged into your grade! Trust me, half the points is better than no points. I promise.